Keells Super Review
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Keells Supermarket chain caters to the customers with it’s wide range of products available including food & beverages, home ware, electronic items & much more. 

34 comments on “Keells Super Review

  1. I picked up a Bhaira cut chicken at Keels Super 2 Panadura.The price tag pasted said Rs1440.At the cahier counter it was weighed again and the price was increased to Rs 1800.00.I asked for the supervisor and a girl in a green frock came(probably another cashier)and said that was the price now.
    This item was bought by Keels at the old price and is being inflated to another price now.(It is old stock as online this item is out of stock)
    I do not know what the custom is in Sri Lanka.Should not an item be sold at the marked price or lower if a discount is given?
    What Keels is doing is morally wrong.
    Needless to say I did not buy this item.

  2. 50

    bought tuna fish from Keels KCC, Kandy as the counter guy recommended.After cooking for lunch today 11th May realized that it was too stale. Probably it was a old stock. Tried calling them but nobody attended the phone. Disappointing

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