Uber service Review
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Uber is a ride hailing app which caters to the transportation requirement of passengers in sri lanka. it has become a common name for the people living in urban areas, due to it’s popularity on these areas.

23 comments on “Uber service Review

  1. 1

    They have got the worst food delivery as well shame on you
    I have experienced twice some rude delivery people and they have the worst communication skills no customer care at all
    Uber u better level up ur employees’ communication skill
    Shame on you

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  2. This is the worst thing
    Sri Lankan Uber has no such a thing call customer service the worst service I ever had when we are asking them for a help they show much attitude and sometimes just cut the call
    And also they do talk to their customers very rudely I don’t know who the hell they think about themselves but they need to show some respect to their customers

  3. Dear Team, please note that in the morning the fare was LKR 428.31 after my trip I get a reduction from my card with a value of LKR 528.31 and you have charged me the highest cost and credited the lowest actual fare amount? where in earth did the LKR 528.31 come from?

    Evening I got an uber before leaving driver requested me to cancel and to pay him directly and I paid LKR 350.00 and he cancels by a penalty I need to pay and now I get a message with the reduction of LKR 378.69 now ???? What on earth is this this is not your money to charge guests as you wish. I highly demand the LKR 378.68 refund back right away this is fucking insane STOP FOOLING AROUND WITH THE CUSTOMERS GOD DAMMIT

  4. Dear Customer care manager,

    This is to inform you that I was charged twis on a ride to wattala from kotikawatta on 15th Jan 2023 at 4.43 pm and 4.46pm for the same ride.

    I hereby share you the screenshot of the sms clip board. I kindly request to check this and make arrangements to refund the respective amount to my below account.


    Thank you

    Yours sincerely

    Shafraaz Jainudeen

  5. 2
    Horrendous, unprofessional drivers

    Booked an Uber to be picked up at Arrivals at Bandaranaike Airport to Wattala. Uber driver calls and complains that it is an online payment which would take longer to receive. So to change it to cash payment. As I was in a hurry agreed and got into the vehicle. Half way through, he says to cancel the trip on the app as the company takes 10% off and pay him the fee. As was already on the way, and on the highway, didn’t want to be stranded, agreed and cancelled the trip. Uber fee was Rs5600. This culprit asked for Rs7500! And at the end of the trip, said did not have change and gave balance of Rs400. First experience of setting foot in the country after 5 years. That too was going to Hemas Hospital as my mother was admitted for treatment. Never again. Every single person I have met so far including the staff at the Hospital, corrupt to the core! Disgusted

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    1. Sorry to hear this. You are correct, people, most are corrupt to the core. please read this to avoid these kinds of scams in future – https://reviewsrilanka.com/pickme-uber-scams-in-sri-lanka/

  6. 99
    Very Good and dependable

    The service is great and the fair is just right. comapred to the sri lankan pickme service where you get big amounts. but you dont have waiting and that’s a big issue. once i wanted to stop in the middle of the journey to get some items from a shop and the amount just doubled as i tried adding a stop in-between. anyways great service you can rely on anytime.

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  7. 91
    posting this on a uber!

    low rates. very polite customer service from drivers. tuks and cars are available but sometimes it takes more than 10 minutes to get a ride locked in. the app is very good.

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  8. 88
    Good but only inside colombo

    Using uber for more than 4 years. Very convenient! Rates are very affordable when compared to other services. found most of the drivers to be very friendly. the only downside is Uber becomes less relevent when you move outside of hotspots. travelling towards gampaha makes it hard to hail a ride via the app.

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